Instagram is blocking #’s

Instagram is blocking vaccinated related hashtags if they return wrong information on vaccinations. Lowering the spread of false information encouraging people to learn from trusted and well documented government sites and tests.

This honestly makes me feel conflicted because America is big on its freedom of speech even though Instagram is corporate entity that operates outside America too.

Continued update on the outbreak in New York

A group of five unnamed mothers are suing the city of New York, trying to get it to block a mandatory measles-mumps-rubella vaccination order city officials ordered earlier this month in specific ZIP codes in Brooklyn amid a major measles outbreak.

A mandatory measles vaccination is being attempted to be blocked! I think if anything these mothers are putting everyone else at risk. There has been validated studies on vaccinations and they’ve been practiced for years where as Anti Vaxxers are determined to follow pseudo science.

Presentation on Vaccines

I’m animating my presentation for vaccinations and I decided to write a blog post about some of the sources I came upon.

One of them being a WHO article on common misconceptions of vaccines. it was surprising finding WHO writing on the misconceptions of the Anti Vax movement but it did reassure me the authorities on world health are on top of this misinformation.

If you wanted to check it out I’ll leave the link here

This Is Journalism? Teens Demanding Vaccinations?

A mix of support for vaccination and disagreement with it. The author recognizes the positive effect vaccinations can have against diseases but he also provides his opinion on utopian humanism.

Lee Duigon

See the source image

The gang at the Chicago Tribune–do they truly think we can’t see their bias?

The headline reads, “Unvaccinated teens fact-checking their parents and trying to get shots on their own” ( Like, how many times, when you were 14 or 15 years old, did you find yourself sitting on the porch steps and thinking, “Gee whiz, I wish I could get more vaccinations! Confound my parents! What could they be thinking of?” Hint: never.

The Trib digs up one 18-year-old who posted such a thought on Reddit–“god [sic] knows how I’m still alive”–and from it extrapolates a mass movement among teenagers who want to be vaccinated against freakin’ everything. This kid’s parents didn’t think so. The fact that he’s still alive casts doubt on the urgent necessity for beaucoup vaccines. His Reddit post did get a lot of comments, from which the Trib deduces “a growing discussion online.”

And they…

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